Day 20 – Death by push press and situp

Today’s WOD consisted of the following:

Every even numbered minute complete that number of situps (2nd minute you do two, 8th minute you do 8, etc)

Every odd numbered minute complete that number of push presses (65#/45# rx)

WOD ends when you fail to complete your reps.

I felt like a bad ass at the beginning of the workout as I could do one push press and then stand around for 50 seconds. It didn’t last long. What really killed me was the last 1/4 of the situp where you engage your lower ab. Apparently I don’t have one of those.

End results were 15 on the push press (45#), and only completing 6 of the situps at the 16 minute mark. I was close to completing more but my form went to hell and I couldn’t get through the last little bit of the situp.

I’ve always said my goat was the pushup (goat being what you are worst at), but I think I’ll add situps and probably pullups to that list as well. Fortunately I am a child and enjoy playing around with pullups. I also suck at lunges apparently. Our warm up included 3 down and backs and I almost fell over several times. Stupid balance.

Strangely enough my weight has gone up 2 pounds in the last two days but the scale says I’ve lost 2 or 3% body fat. My scale is retarded as I doubt I’m putting on muscle that fast.

Breakfast – 4 eggs, banana, handful of macadamia nuts

Lunch – big salad from the salad bar at the grocery store

Dinner – rotisserie chicken and some left over chili

Snacks – pickle, dark chocolate, nuts

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